- 1 tablespoon cumin seeds
- 1 tablespoon fennel seeds
- 1 tablespoon brown mustard seeds
- 1 tablespoon fenugreek seeds
- 1 tablespoon nigella seeds
Now that you've made the blend, let's meet the seeds:
Cumin seeds are probably familiar to you - they have a strong, warm aroma and flavor, and actually contain a good bit of iron (although you'd have to eat an absurd amount of cumin to use this as your primary source of the mineral).
Fennel seeds come from the fennel plant, of course, the bulb and fronds of which you're likely familiar with. The seeds have a strong anise (licorice) flavor.
Be sure you choose brown mustard seeds for the blend, not yellow. The seeds are just lightly spicy, and the taste will be familiar to you from whole-grain Dijon mustard.
Fenugreek is an herb I didn't learn about until my late twenties. The seeds are bitter, but with what is described as a smoky, maple undertone.
And finally, nigella seeds (also called black caraway) are small and black ,with a bitter taste and smell. Don't confuse them with black onion seeds or black sesame seeds, which look similar.
Now that we've met our seeds, the question remains of how to use the blend. You will probably want to toast in a skillet first, and then can add to just about anything - vegetables, curries, lentil dishes, or prepared Indian pickles.
Tonight I tried it with the vegan fish fillets from EcoVegan, alongside a store-bought spicy potato curry over rice.
Other options include: sauteed in a pan with Gardein's beefless tips;
stirred into spiced lentils;
toasted and stirred into rice with hot mango pickle:
or with Gardein chicken (shown here with the hot mango pickle from Pataak's:
Nutrition Info:
8 servings (1 and 1/2 teaspoons), Calories 17
Tasting Notes:
Vegan extra:
One thing I don't discuss often on this blog is cosmetics, but your bathroom cabinet is just as important as your food cabinets when it comes to being vegan. I recently wanted a fix for dry winter nails, and found this tea tree oil from Jason's, a company that does not test on animals:
Don't forget healthy nails should be shiny and pinkish; white nails can signal liver disease, and pale brittle nails might mean anemia. Ever wonder about those white specks you sometimes see? It's a sign of mild trauma as the nail grew; enter my new tea tree oil, and shiny happy nails:
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